43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday 14 January 2010

Textual Research

In the opening sequence of The Notebook begins with the opening credits coming up on a black screen fading into and off the shot. There is no dialouge, the sequence is based on a series of establishing shots which are there to set a scene for the rest of the film. The film begins with a black screen and the opening credits showing up then as a pink sunrise sets over a river the names of the main actors show in the bottom left of the screen finishing with the name of the film, there is then long shot of a large white house with white Pekin Ducks flying past, this is a romantic setting fitting the genre of the film. The sound is nondiegetic music from David Sun, a relaxing soundtrack which also sets the romantic mood. There is only one character introduced in the opening and this is an old woman stood in the large house looking over the lake and watching the birds, from this we know nothing about her, but we know she will be involved. From the opening you can tell straight away what the genre of the film is whitout giving any big clues. The only other person we see is just a man in a small rowing boat, rowing calmly down the river, creating a calm mood ready to introduce the rest of the film.

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