43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday 25 January 2010

Initial Treatment

The opening of my film will begin with a female dancer in a gym, the shots will consist firstly of close ups watching the movement of the feet at the same level as the feet, slowly the camera will begin to show close ups of legs, body and arm movements leaving the head always out of the shots so that we can not see the character. There will be diegetic music in the background to a sad love song and the dancing will go on until the song ends. Through out the dance and song there will be flash backs of this woman breaking up with her boyfriend so that we can begin to understand abit about her character in just the opening. These will be fairly closed framed shots of a break up out side of a house consisting of arguing and drama, the shots will not be held for a long amount of time to create the drama and tension of the break up. During the flashbacks the music will still play from the dancing scene non-diegeticly over the top without any other diegetic sound. The last shot of the dancer will be a long shot of her rolling down on to the floor and laid heavily breathing on her back as the music ends. The shot will then cross cut to a closeup of a picture of the dancer in a frame being held in a hand, there is then a cut to the front view of a male holding this picture in a medium shot sat on a bed, then putting it away into a drawer face down and we see a closeup of the draw being closed, the male character will be placed on the right of the frame to show he is in confusion and is lacking importance.
There is now another cross cut to a different female getting ready in a bedroom, she is getting ready, wearing a pink skirt and top and jewellery to show she is an open, happy, colourful person. The first shot we see is of some objects in her room which represent her as a person, such as jewellery and a tebby bead. We then see a medium shot of her applying mascara in the mirror and closeups of her putting it back into her full makeup back which shows she is all about her looks. She continues to sort her hair and clothes in the mirror as the camera pans down her from her head to feet to reveal what she is wearing. There is a cross cut back to the male which will show a shot from over his shoulder sending a text on his phone. Then the camera cross cuts back to the room the woman is in, a close up of her phone, getting a text, cut to long shot of her walking to get the phone and then a point of view close up of the text saying 'Leaving now'. Then to a close up of the expression on the womans face smiling.

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