43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Textual research - Opening of 50 first dates

00:00 - 02:07
The opening of the film is a long shot of a beach setting in Hawaii at nightfall, this straight away gives the impression of the romance genre as it is a romantic setting. The opening credits begin to fade on and off screen whilst non diegetic hawaiian music plays. The camera tracks to the left as the setting changes to a medium shot of a Kitchen setting and a pineapple places on the left of the screen which has been continued through the last shot, and the title of the film appears in the middle of the shot. The text fades as two actors enter the shot and sit down to talk about the womans holiday to hawaii. The camera then crosscuts to various shots of other women in different locations talking about the same man they had met on holiday, as the conversation continues through each woman. The mise-en-scen of each setting is always bright and colourful opening the film in a cheerful way with some slight comedy in the dialouge. Each woman ends up saying the same name of the person they met and that they will struggle having future contact, from this we can already work out the problem we are going to face during the film.

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